See below for the list of 2024 winners in the PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL category, for books with a copyright date of 2023.

Full Stack Web Development: The Comprehensive Guide
2024 Gold Winner
Author: Philip Ackermann
Publisher: Rheinwerk Publishing Inc.
ISBN: 9781493224371
Full stack web developers are always in demand—do you have the skillset? With this all-in-one guide, you’ll learn about frontend tools, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, APIs, and more. You’ll also learn to work with backend technologies, including Node.js, PHP, web services, and databases. Start building in-demand skills now!

Business as Unusual with SAP: How Leaders Navigate Industry Megatrends
2024 Silver Winner
Authors: Thomas Saueressig and Peter Maier
Publisher: Rheinwerk Publishing Inc.
ISBN: 9781493223893
Explore the intersections of global business and dynamic market conditions! Hear compelling customer stories from industry leaders, and learn how they adapt their business models for tomorrow’s market. Dive into transformation megatrends and learn about SAP’s solutions for a flexible IT landscape. Start your business transformation journey here!

Industrial DevOps: Build Better Systems Faster
2024 Silver Winner
Authors: Dr. Suzette Johnson and Robin Yeman
Publisher: IT Revolution
ISBN: 9781950508792
Applying the theory, practice, and learnings from Agile and DevOps has the potential to dramatically improve the development and delivery of cyber-physical systems. Companies that solve this problem will build better systems faster, and they will become the ultimate economic and value delivery winners in the marketplace.
See below for the list of 2023 winners in the PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL category, for books with a copyright date of 2022.

Python 3: The Comprehensive Guide
2023 Gold Winner
Authors: Johannes Ernesti and Peter Kaiser
Publisher: Rheinwerk Publishing Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-4932-2302-2
Ready to master Python? Learn to write effective code, whether you’re a beginner or a professional. Review core concepts, including functions, modularization, and object orientation, and walk through the available data types. Then dive into using Django and working with GUIs. This is your all-in-one guide to Python!

Preparing Leadership Educators: A Comprehensive Guide to Theories, Practices, and Facilitation Skills
2023 Silver Winner
Author: Jonathan R. Kroll
Publisher: Stylus Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 978-1-64267-277-0
This comprehensive and integrated resource prepares leadership educators to develop a training and facilitation practice that is informed by theory, imbued with healthy leadership habits, and imparted with time-tested facilitation techniques—particularly experiential learning and reflective dialogue.

Write a Must-Read: Craft a Book That Changes Lives—Including Your Own
2023 Silver Winner
Author: AJ Harper
Publisher: Page Two
ISBN: 978-1-989603-69-7
In these pages, Harper reveals the proven methods she has used for nearly two decades to write and edit perennial bestsellers. It's not the easy way or the fast way; it's the effective way. The payoff is a must-read book and a massive readership who serve as ambassadors for your message and your brand.
See below for the list of 2022 winners in the PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL category, for books with a copyright date of 2021.

Acoustical Materials: Solving the Challenge of Vehicle Noise
2022 Gold Winner
Author: Pranab Saha
Publisher: SAE International
ISBN: 978-0-7680-8084-1
Acoustics is the science of sound, including its generation, propagation, and effect. Sound provides information on the proper operation of the vehicle, but if unchecked, can detract from the consumer experience within the vehicle and create noise pollution outside the vehicle. Acoustical Materials provides essential information on how to solve noise problems in vehicles using sound package materials.

Marijuana Hater's Guide to Making a Billion Dollars from Hemp: The Next Disruptive Industry
2022 Silver Winner
Author: Matthew Harmon
Publisher: Farmbridge, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-7356747-0-4
An emerging natural industry poised for incredible growth in the United States promises big benefits and bigger profits. With the right techniques, you can cash in now. Whether you’re interested in permaculture farming, earth-friendly living, or green energy production, now is your time for business innovation success with industrial hemp.

Networking for Freelance Editors Workbook: Practical Strategies for Networking Success
2022 Silver Winner
Authors: Brittany Dowdle and Linda Ruggeri
Publisher: The Insightful Editor
ISBN: 978-1-7364205-0-8
Though networking may seem like an unwieldy, overwhelming task, especially for freelancers, this practical workbook will show that building the network you need and want is completely within your power. This book is for editors, proofreaders, indexers, fact-checkers, translators, writers, and anyone else pursuing a freelance career in the publishing industry.
See below for the list of 2021 winners in the PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL category, for books with a copyright date of 2020. Click here to watch the Gold and Silver winner speeches.

The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: The Official Guide to APA Style
2021 Gold Winner
Author: American Psychological Association
Publisher: American Psychological Association
ISBN: 978-1-4338-3217-8
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition is the official source for APA Style. With millions of copies sold worldwide in multiple languages, it is the style manual of choice for writers, researchers, editors, students, and educators in the social and behavioral sciences, natural sciences, nursing, communications, education, business, engineering, and other fields.

The Podiatry Practice Business Solution: Everything You Need to Know to Flourish in Your Podiatry Business
2021 Silver Winner
Author: Dr. Peter Wishnie
Publisher: Stonebrook Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-7339958-5-6
Podiatrists have long had difficulty finding a resource that addresses their specific needs to manage their practice as a business. This book teaches you how to manage every aspect of your business to make it more efficient, all for the purpose of being much more profitable.

Tech Like a Pirate: Using Classroom Technology to Create an Experience and Make Learning Memorable
2021 Silver Winner
Author: Matt Miller
Publisher: Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-951600-20-4
Tech Like a PIRATE offers an accessible, engaging, and empowering toolkit for educators looking to innovate and engage their classes through technology. It’s full of practical examples that are rooted in research, best practices, and solid pedagogy, and it’s accompanied by a treasure trove of additional resources at DitchThatTextbook.com.
See below for the list of 2020 winners in the PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL category, for books with a copyright date of 2019.

Urban Grids: Handbook for Regular City Design
2020 Gold Winner
Authors: Joan Busquets, Dingliang Yang, and Michael Keller
Publisher: ORO Editions
ISBN: 978-1-940743-95-0
Urban Grids analyzes cities and urban projects that utilize the grid as the main structural device for allowing rational development, and proposes speculative design projects that suggest new urban paradigms drawn from the grid.

Farmall Cub Encyclopedia: The Essential Guide to Models, History, Implements, and Repair
2020 Silver Winner
Authors: Kenneth Updike and Rachel Gingell
Publisher: Octane Press LLC
ISBN: 978-1-937747-25-1
The Farmall Cub Encyclopedia provides step-by-step instruction for maintenance and repair as well as an in-depth history of all models, making it both an introduction and an authoritative resource for the novice and experienced tractor owner alike.

Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction
2020 Silver Winner
Authors: Nathan A. Rose and William T.C. Neale
Publisher: SAE International
ISBN: 978-0-7680-9507-4
Written by two specialists who provide analyses of physical factors that affect motorcycle visibility, motorcycle usage at night, and human factors in motorcycle crashes.

The Place Economy, Vol 2: From Nations to Neighbourhoods, Countries to Communities
2020 Silver Winner
Author: Hoyne
Publisher: Hoyne
ISBN: 978-0-9953771-7-2
The Place Economy™ is a resource book on the social and economic benefits of effective placemaking.

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